Linguistic analysis, orthophonic changes, graphic changes, Internet discourse, digital communication, language evolution, online language, sociolinguistics, phonetic spelling, abbreviations, emoticons.Abstract
The rapid evolution of digital communication has prompted significant transformations in language use, particularly in Internet discourse. This study explores the linguistic analysis of orthophonic and graphic changes that emerge in online communication platforms. Focusing on the interplay between spoken (orthophonic) and written (graphic) forms, the research examines how new conventions and adaptations arise in response to the dynamics of virtual environments. Key phenomena include the widespread use of abbreviations, emoticons, phonetic spelling, and non-standard punctuation, which blur the boundaries between formal language norms and informal, context-dependent communication. This paper investigates how these alterations reflect broader sociolinguistic trends, such as the influence of multimedia, the need for brevity, and the interactivity of digital spaces. By analyzing online texts from social media, forums, and chat environments, the study offers a comprehensive understanding of how orthophonic and graphic modifications contribute to the shaping of Internet language. The findings provide insights into the ways in which language adapts to technological platforms, challenging traditional linguistic models and offering a new perspective on the fluidity of modern communication practices.
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