China, globalization, BRI, One Belt, One Road, Silk road Economic belt, Uzbekistan.Abstract
One of the most significant international infrastructure projects of our time is undoubtedly the foreign policy initiative “One Belt, One Road” announced by Chinese leader Xi Jinping in 2013. The article is devoted to the Chinese World Project (CWP), the supporting structure of which is the concept of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road of the XXI century. The article considers the historical prerequisites of the CWP: from adaptation to the world economy to the transition to the active development of the planet’s economy in accordance with the Chinese program “entering the world”. China’s constructive initiatives, embodied in the concept of the “silk offensive”, are aimed at mobilizing finance for the development of infrastructure throughout the Euro-Asian space and are catalyzed by the tasks of ensuring energy security and the need for the development of the western regions of the People’s Republic of China. Special attention is paid to the activation of the PRC’s activities in the field of financing the Belt and Road projects, investments in new international banks and development funds. In addition, the role of Uzbekistan in “One Belt One Road” and its useful aspects were analyzed.
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